
Press Note:


Directed by David Barreda, Claudia Albacar, & Arnnau Prunera.

Colorist: Oscar Díaz.

Barcelona Spain.
Llibreta del Dr. Gras
La Libreta del Doctor Gras' narrates the story of the common pit of the Masía de Santa Magdalena, in Móra d'Ebre. It is the largest Civil War mine that has ever been opened in Catalonia. Following the steps of an old notebook of a surgeon of the republican army, it is possible to identify the place where ex-combatants can be buried.


Directed by Belén IturraldeJuan Francisco Valdez.

Colorist: Oscar Díaz.

Barcelona Spain, Quito Ecuador.
Sabios del Bosque Amazonico
Desde la voz de “Urku”, sabio de la comunidad de Rukullakta,
este documental narra cómo los Yachaks usaron sus
conocimientos en medicina natural para hacer frente
a los estragos que el virus del Covid 19 causó en la Amazonia.

Los Yachaks del Bosque Frente a la Pandemia,
reflexiona sobre la importancia de preservar los conocimientos
ancestrales e inmateriales del bosque y de aquellos que gracias
a su sabiduría y perseverancia, mantienen viva la memoria
de los antiguos yachaks del bosque amazónico.



Directed by Oscar Díaz, Cinematographer: Geraldo JR, Editor & Colorist: Oscar Díaz.

Barcelona Spain.
Anna and Iván are two dancers connected by the metaphysic power of human sensitivity, empathy, love and mutual vision. Their artistic energy connects them. They are connected by the will to improve the human appreciation, the awareness.

They live in the universe of melancholy, they don’t really know each other but they use the dance as a powerful tool.

Directed by: Julián Lona

Producer: Gonzalo Borrás Manto Films
Cast: Amparo Alcaraz & Anibal Brito

Colorist: Oscar Díaz

Barcelona Spain.

A couple inherits a farm to practice beekeeping after the loss of a family member. The structure and organization of bees leads them to reflect on our way of life.

Directed by Geronimo Ebang, Colorist: Oscar Díaz.

Barcelona Spain.
Mamá Tierra short film.

Venus is a young equatoguinean woman who doesn’t know hers birth roots. After 20 years living in Spain she decides to come back to her birth town and meet again with her mother. The adaptation issues she has with the environment and the resentment against her mother will make it a really uncomfortable meeting —